Tara Mitra in Czech Republic

Bohemian Paradise, November 22 - 24, 2024

Ancient Traditions: Combining Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic Mantras
~ Healing the body, mind and speech ~


Bringing Yoga, Āyurveda, and Vedic Mantras Together

Community (sangha) is one of the pillars of yoga practice. The name Tara Mitra may not be one of those popular Ashtanga names precisely because Tara is far more interested in passing on the yoga tradition individually and as accurately as possible in the line of T.Krishnamacharii than in promoting herself. Tara will come even if only one student is to apply, because when one student comes, it means she has someone to impart the depth of the yoga teachings to.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

8:00 - 9:00am: Pranayama & Vedic mantras

9:00 - 11:00am Mysore

11am to 12:30pm – Brunch

12:30 - 2:00pm: Eight-part journey of yoga in daily life , meditation and short practice:

  • Ashtanga Yoga is an eightfold method referenced in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Tara will go through each of these parts and discuss them from a philosophical perspective, highlighting how you can incorporate these eight parts of Ashtanga Yoga into our modern day-to-day lives. The emphasis is on connecting traditional yoga with everyday life.

2:30 - 6:30pm: Introduction to Ayurveda

  • You will get to know the basics of this ancient medical science, which originated in India more than 5000 years ago. We will discuss the importance of holistic treatments and review why Ayurveda emphasizes prevention of health and balance of body, mind, right mindset, diet and lifestyle. Vata, pitta and kaphaja are three basic energies that each of us has in our body in different proportions. The question is how we can balance them and how to deal with them in our diet and in our daily life.

Dinner to follow

Friday, November 22, 2024

4pm to 7pm: Ganesha Puja.

Ganesha is the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom, well known as the god of new beginnings, the overcomer of obstacles and remover of ignorance. 

We perform this offering for health, protection, and prosperity for ourselves and the world.

Dinner to follow


Saturday, November 24, 2024

8am to 9am: Pranayama & Vedic mantras 

9am to 11am – Morning Mysore

11am to 12:30pm – Brunch

12:30pm to 2pm – Understanding our mind through yoga:

  • Together we will explore several ideas from the shastras (sacred texts) - primarily from the Yoga Sutras - that will help us understand what influences our actions, thoughts, reactions, triggers and decisions. We look into our inner self, through which we act on the outside world.
    We will end the entire workshop with a short dharana (concentration practice), during which you will try different ways to concentrate or keep the mind calm. Only by entering the space of silence within can we hear clearly.

Throughout the week, you’re welcome to enjoy the yoga studio during business hours. We have a lovely parlor and front porch to enjoy reading, tea, conversation, and/or the simple pleasure of just being. We’ll schedule a coffee date and lunch date to gather as a group on Monday & Wednesday. 


  • Early bird for the first 10 registrants - SOLD OUT

  • 4500 CZK, then 5500 CZK

  • Friday: 1000 CZK (with dinner)

  • Saturday: 2500 CZK (with brunch and dinner)

  • Sunday 2000 CZK (with brunch)

The great Eva Minaříková will take care of the food, you can find her on Instagram as @evaminaa.

Capacity 20 participants. The workshop will be translated into Czech.


Col. Truhláře 7, Lomnice nad Popelkou

Booking & Info

Zuzana +420 727 816 606
E-Mail: info@astangaceskyraj.cz